Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Of Imperfections On A Beautiful Day

I start this post with absolutely no idea of what I am going to write about. I just figured a phrase about imperfections may be a good way to catch your attention. Or maybe it's some inane desire to express myself tonight even though I cannot put my finger on what it is that I am really feeling at this moment. I think the latter statement has more truth in it. There, I already feel better that I am no longer conning you into thinking that this is going to get very interesting, so you choose to continue at your own risk. At worst, you would have thrown away some more of your precious time into harmless cyberspace, which I am sure isn't as bad as other horrible things that could happen to you right now :)

Today has been a good day for multiple reasons. I began my morning with a relaxing walk under light drizzle. I had petrichor to greet me and some happy thoughts running through my head. (Hey, I learn these strange words thanks to a certain namesake). I suppose I lucked out big-time this morning because to my right sat Gotu, while I happily munched on buttered toast and nutty pancakes at Al's, the fabled breakfast place in Dinkytown, Minneapolis. I consider myself lucky because it is almost by chance that I hooked up with G who magically gets finger-counted among good company at the U. So, in a sequence of rather fortunate events, we walked under green trees and pretty blue skies. Not only that, I kicked some wet mud as my feet landed on the earth and the wind gently kissed my face. It was just an innocent detour. It was a swing. It was a grassy park. It was a handful of handsome smiles. In those moments, it was all perfection.

And don't you just love going back to sleep late into the morning after with a belly-full of great breakfast? Rare occasion as I laid my head on the cool side of my pillow and curled up for two extra hours of the day. The sleep was exquisite and so were the silly dreams of home. My Ella then decided to stick her tongue out to properly signify blissful nap state, and I've never seen her do that before. Oddly enough, I didn't think I would be too fond of felines however this cat redefines pet innocence every single day. Yes, every single day and then she sells me out. If that isn't ransom, I am not sure what is.

Ella cuddle-face pink tongue - 17 Apr 2012

I am not sure if I should chronicle everything about this nearly awesome day so I will skip details for the sake of people's privacy and the ungodly hour of the night. Filtering is also essential when it comes to forms of expression, and I have not learned this lesson too well but I try. Most significantly, I watched Garden State for the second time (Caught an immediate release way back in 2004, compulsion to document useless facts in this blog) and cheered up at this scene among others :

The very talented Zach Braff won the grammy for the awesome songs that he apparently hand-picked for this movie. I think my favorite part of the movie is how it ends with a lot less perfection than one would expect of movie stories. Of not knowing what to do. Of allowing life to steer you through rough patches without much resistance. And as I said earlier, I am not sure myself tonight. I don't know where I am really headed in life but what I am aware of for sure is that satisfaction is today and now. I also suspect that a large part of it has also got to do with euphoric feelings of attraction, but heck I am going to permit myself to take advantage of beauty in the breakdown.

And if you took to me
Like the gull takes to the wind...

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